Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Day on the Web!

     It’s 3am already! Tossing, turning, and fighting to get out the bed. First, let me check the weather for rain. says it’s all clear for rain. Ok, I’m dressed, let’s go. Since there is no traffic at the time I’m scheduled for work, I check and Waze for any delays and alternate routes due to construction. These two sources are really good and have not failed me yet. I also get info on hazards in the road, police nearby and stalled vehicles on the side of the road. My favorite is, knowing where the police are hiding. There are so many useful resources with this app. 

     Finally, I made it to work.  My shift starts at 5am and end at 1:30pm. Each morning I check for emails and updates for work. A lot happens by the time I leave work. Delta try to keep us updated on what’s going on as it happens. As the shift begins, some coworkers and I use to locate our arriving flight. This has been useful for at work (airport) working and any traveler on the go traveling. 

      On my first break, I start with d2l for any new updates then go to to search for my class books. American government has kept me busy. I’m using, YouTube, and edge.sage as sources for searching the Revolutionary War and many topics about politics.  I’m using YouTube again as a resource for my lyric paper in my composition class. I’m doing an analysis on Anita Baker. Her album was my mother’s favorite and I remember listening to this record many times as a little girl. My mother will be another resource I will use. I just want her input as a fan and not so much as facts about the artist.

1 comment:

  1. Waze has been my best friend, even when I know exactly where I'm going. Knowing where the cops are hiding and where the traffic is the heaviest is the best perk of the app.
