Sunday, October 16, 2016

Literature and I

For many years my relationship with literature has been more on a personal level. There was no known author and never been published but have hopes that one day I could publish it. It's my very own literature. Reading and writing about life and everyday struggles, as I saw it was hobby of mine since I was a young teen. It's been 17 years since high school and to be honest, I really don't remember any assignments that we had to do. Since I've started going back to school, reading different literature is now mostly for my knowledge and entertainment more so than for a job or school assignment.

Even though I've been out of school for a while, high school and college, I've still hand my hand in reading different literature. Edgar Allen Poe was one of the first short stories I read. My son had an assignment in middle school and I had to help him with it. We had to submit a power point on "The Black Cat". I read that story one time and fell in love with his stories. We found a book with all the stories he wrote. Reading Poe for the second time in 5years seem as if I just read the story. Once again, his story had me on the edge of my seat as if I had never read the story.

Reading and writing has been something that I love to do. Prior to school I wasn't doing much of neither for personal reasons. Now that I'm back in school, I'm enjoying again something that I once loved to do. What happens now is, I'm told what to read and how to write and that's not a bad thing. At times it get complicated when you think you understand then realize you don't. No more freestyle for me, well not as much, especially if one day I want others to hear about some of the most interesting times in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jekita,
    That is so awesome that you are able to see literature as a passion and a form of expressing your life and life lessons. That is something that I wish I was passionate about because our memory fades as time passes but being able to document your experiences helps you relive those events. It is the closest form of a time machine that has been invented yet.
