Monday, November 7, 2016

Where is my Professor

      Kennesaw State University  has reached record number of 35,000+ of enrolled students but doesn't have the instructors to teach them.Some communication majors received this notice only a couple of weeks before classes began. Some general and prerequisite courses were not offered online as a backup for not having an on campus instructor. Because of this inconvenience, students are being delayed from graduating on time.  This has been an issue for KSU for the past few years. Some instructors are being overworked to try to make up for the needed instructors but it still isn't enough leaving six courses without instructors. There is no anticipation of new professors coming for the next year. If this is an ongoing problem that has happened for a few years, something should have been done by now.

      KSU have more students than the campus can hold, let alone teach. Yet they continue to accept students knowing  some courses they need may not be covered.Online classes can add up to 300+ per class. There is money being wasted from the meal plan and the over charges for parking that you may not get to use either. So where does the money go? The school is short staffed but continue to take the money of students who may not get what they are paying for and that's an instructor to teach them what they need to know for this new life they are about to begin. These are only a few issues that I have read about from The Sentinel. Kennesaw have some great teachers who go out their way to help their students.  Maybe professors some don't mind the extra work. KSU can do a lot better for their students and instructors.